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Newsletter 04/10/22


(Reg Charity 1199330)

C/o Greystones Primary School, Tullibardine Road, SHEFFIELD S11 7GL

Telephone: 0114 2671111

4th October 2022

Dear all,

I cannot believe that we are now in week four and only have two more weeks left until October half term! The weeks are flying by; I really hope your children are enjoying spending time at preschool.

Next week we are continuing our theme of autumn and we will be talking about ‘harvest’ and hibernating animals. We will be reading the story of the little red hen and making bread hedgehogs! We will be talking about kindness and how to look after our friends as well as discussing our feelings and emotions. We will also be looking at colour mixing and reading a book called ‘Mixed’ by Arree Chung. If you have a look at the Concerteenies YouTube channel you will be able to watch Polly narrating the story!

During the summer holidays I applied to the Early Years Sports Fund for a free sports session and can confirm that the setting was successful and that Amy from Super Star Sport South Yorkshire will be attending the setting at 1.30 pm on the 13th October 2022 to coach a sports session for the children.

As part of our harvest theme we have decided to collect food for S6 foodbank between now and October half term. S6 foodbank have 11 sites around the city and are currently supporting 450 families, a total of 1,000 adults and children. Due to the current cost of living crisis the foodbank has seen a substantial increase in referrals and therefore need donations of non-perishable food items that are in date to meet the demand. From Monday there will be a box at the gate where you can donate items should you wish to do so. Items you may wish to donate include breakfast cereals, long life milk, tinned beans, tinned tomatoes, pasta sauce, toilet rolls, toothpaste, a toothbrush…. The list is endless. Thank you in advance.

The last week of this half term will be multicultural as we will be celebrating Black History Month as well as Diwali. We will be reading the books ‘Baby goes to Market’ by Atinuke and ‘Engines, Engines by Lisa Bruce. To find out more about what we will be getting up to, look out for next week’s newsletter.

Next Monday evening (10th October) at 7.30 pm we will be holding our AGM. This meeting which will be held in preschool is an opportunity for parents/ carers or wider family members to come along and find out more information about the setting your child attends. As you are aware Preschool is a registered charity that is governed by a group of trustees. Currently we are transitioning to a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) which whilst having many advantages also means that the liability of the Preschool is borne by the charity itself rather than the trustees. Currently the setting is looking for a chairperson, deputy chairperson and a treasurer. Please come along to the meeting if you feel that you would like to be considered for one of these important roles. We will also be recruiting for a fundraising committee, as unfortunately the funding received from the government does not cover all the extra enhancements which make your child’s experience at Preschool so special. Please do not hesitate to contact me should you wish to find out any more information. You may feel you haven’t got much spare time to give to the setting, however every little helps!

Another easy way to donate funds to the setting is by signing up to easyfundraising.

Andrea our finance manager writes, “Thank you to everyone in the past for raising donations for Greystones Pre-school, Sheffield with #easyfundraising! If you haven't signed up yet, it's easy and completely FREE. 7,300 brands will donate to us when you use easyfundraising to do your everyday online shopping - at no extra cost to you! Every donation you raise makes a difference to us so please sign up & share today. “Please go to and search for Greystones Preschool as the cause you want to support”. To date we have received £542.49

We also note that some of you have not returned your permission slip to allow your child’s photo to be included on our closed Instagram account. Please note this is your opportunity to view what your child has been learning during the day through play. I confirm that Danielle and I will only allow access to those families that currently attend the setting. Please contact either Danielle or myself if you require any further information.

Home Learning Challenges

  • Carry out small tasks with your child, pairing socks, tidying toys or helping to prepare a meal.

  • Make an owl or a hedgehog picture and bring it into preschool to show your friends.

  • Play a game together that involves turn taking.

  • Watch the story ‘Mixed’ on the Concerteenies YouTube channel.

On behalf of myself and the staff team I would like to thank you for your continued support.

Take care,




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